I wasn’t always on this path….

Keep scrolling to learn about my journey!

Yoga saved my life…

Before practicing yoga, I experienced fear and a lack of self-confidence – addiction to drugs and alcohol took me over. I was caught in a vicious cycle that stemmed from dysfunctional thinking. Expectations of people, places and things ruled my life.

Yoga has taught me that changes have to occur from within, not from somewhere outside of myself. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Making positive changes can be uncomfortable, but always worth it.

I was introduced to yoga in rehab and reluctantly showed up only because I was out of ideas. I returned to my mat again and again, and I began to discover qualities within me I didn’t know existed, or that I had long forgotten. Through stillness and breath— compassion, patience, acceptance and love began to take me over.

I return to my mat to deepen my connection with this process of uncovering, discovering and discarding all that isn’t me, so that I can live happily and teach others how to connect with this beautiful gift that has been given to me.

Join me in finding freedom through surrender!